American Heartlands & Dusty Reins Stories
Crazy Horse Monument

Crazy Mountains

My maternal great-grandparents settled on a homestead in the late 1800s within 15 miles of Big Timber. I rolled into town in August of 2022 mainly to revisit locations known since childhood and dig up some family history. Little did I know that I would spend a week exploring the area. I came away with new memories, documents, photos, and videos.

I will provide more about Big Timber as I process the material to feature like a tour of the museum.

The locals told me about a weekly pro-rodeo during the week and I wound up camping out on the rodeo grounds and documenting the rodeo. The rodeo videos are already being published and you can view some samples here - Big Timber Weekly Pro Rodeo.


Big Timber - Visit Montana

Sweet Grass County Chamber of Commerce - Big Timber

Big Timber Montana - Google Maps


Dusty Reins Schedule

You may see several events on the same day. I can only pick one to go next depending on where I was located during the prior event I attended. Fuel is expensive these days!